
Swings & Roundabouts: Seesaws 

Sling Shot SWD400 Sling ShotThe Sling Shot is a large, dynamic, sweeping seesaw, offering the user two different types of movement: a rocking movement and the traditional up and down tilt. As this product can accelerate to high levels of speeds this item is better suited to older children.
HIC 2 m | | Perimeter | 22.4 m | Area (Circular Shaped) | 64 m² | Area | 67 m² |

Stand Up Seesaw TNB050 Stand Up SeesawThe standing seesaw can be used in various ways, stand on the bottom foot rests or on the handles highier up, sit on the beam and use the handles as a perch. Younger children can also sit in the middle helped by older children either side.
HIC 1.2 m | | Perimeter | 14 m | Area | 11.5 m2 |
Total Height | 1.6 m | Foot Height | 0.59 m |

Large Seesaw TNB040 Large SeesawMore movement due to a longer beam gives children more play value with an ergonomic soft seat that holds children in place.
HIC 1m | | Area | 14 m2 | Perimeter | 17 m |
Total Height | 1.58 m | Seat Height | 0.7 m |

Small Seesaw TNB030 Small SeesawA tried and tested seesaw for younger children which also enables adults to sit or stand with a child to help balance them on the activity.
HIC 1 m | | Area | 11 m2 | Perimeter | 14 m |
Total Height | 1.4 m | Seat Height | 0.7 m |