Swing Seat, Seats, Playground Equipment, Manufacturer, Joint, Hanger, Safety Tiles, Slide, Foot, Cradle.
Swing seat, Swing seats, Slides, Producer, Slide, Playground Equipment, Playground Accessories , EN-1176
Since 1985 our company is known as playground equipment producer and slide-producer. Our special products are safety fall mats, swing seats, swing joints and playground equipment according to EN-1176. Further we produce, as a slide producer, tower slides, stainless steel slides, GPR-slides, slope slides, PE-slides and tube slides. Also the production of spare parts and special playground equipment, e.g. swing seat, cradle seat, pendulum seat, cable way and safety tiles for playgrounds is done in our production site.
A public playground is only valid, if all safety fall mats, swing hooks, swing seats etc. are according to EN-1176. For this reason our clients get the tower slide, stainless steel slide, GPR-slide, slope slide, PE-slide, tube slide and also cradle seat, pendulum seat, swing seat, cable way and floor covering in high quality, standardized and to fair prices. As a famous slide producer and playground equipment producer we know our responsibility.
Beside quality (you can see on the EN-1176 certification) we offer to you as a slide producer also reliability and a unique service. All standard articles (e.g. tower slide, stainless steel slide, GPR-slide, slope slide, cradle swing seat, PE-slide, pendulum seat, tube slide, swing hooks, swing seats, cable way, floor covering) can mostly be shipped on the day they are ordered. Special executions (e.g. safety fall mats, swing seats) can be produced in almost a short time. We are a slide producer and playground equipment especially for sales to playground equipment- and playground producer and dealer.
On our homepage, we provide lots of information all about our products for playgrounds (e.g. tower slide, stainless steel slide, GPR-slide, slope slide, cradle swing seat, PE-slide, pendulum seat, tube slide, swing hooks, swing seats, cable way, floor covering). Look at our page and learn more details about playground equipment, swing seats, safety fall mats according to EN-1176.
For further questions or ideas for a special made tower slide, stainless steel slide, GPR-slide, slope slide, PE-slide, tube slide or as a slide producer we are available for you at any time. You will get a qualified personal guidance to create safety fall mats, swing seats and further playground equipment child conform, safe and without complications.
We are your reliable slide producer and playground equipment producer. We are delivering our cradle swing seat, pendulum seat, tube slide, swing hooks, swing seats, cable way, floor covering according to EN-1176 . Relay on your slide producer and playground equipment producer who knows to combine experience and expertise.