
Art.-Nr. 1020 | Postprofil 80 x 80 mm |

Art.-Nr. 1021 Nach DIN-EN 1271 from Alu-Ovalprofil 98 x 142 mm, 
Art.-Nr. 1045 Volleyball-Netpost Super DVV I DIN-EN 1271 from Alu-Ovalprofil 98 x 142 mm, until 10 mm thick 
Aluminium for Volleyball. Art.-Nr. 0234 | 80 x 80 mm | Art.-Nr. 0233 | 98 x 142 mm | Art.-Nr. 0239 | 83 mm, round | 
Art.-Nr. 1060, Chair 
Art.-Nr. 1050 | Post 80 x 80 mm | Art.-Nr. 1149 | Post 98 x 142 mm |
Beach-Volleyball Robust 
Art.-Nr. 1054 | alunature | Art.-Nr. 1052 | blue |
From Aluminium-Spezialprofil 98 x 142 mm, until 10 mm thick. 
Art.-Nr. 1053 | alunature | Art.-Nr. 1051 | blue |
From Aluminium-Spezialprofil 80 x 80 mm in alunature. 
Volleyball-Antivandal, Art.-Nr. 1075 | with steelrope 2 mm | Art.-Nr. 1076 | with steelrope 5 mm |

Turniernet for Beachvolleyball, from Polyester, ca. 3 mm thick Art.-Nr. N503 | neonyellow | Art.-Nr. N504 | neonblue |

Leisure Art.-Nr. 1070 
Art.-Nr. 1080 Multi purpose-Play post Post 2,5 m height, thickness Alu-Profil 80 x 80 mm